I am often asked if there is a quick and easy way to check the status of the license manager without actually having to physically go to the server or login to it remotely. Well there is a quick and easy way to do it and all you need is LMTOOLS – which is available at Autodesk’s website.
Once you have LMTOOLS on your local computer, run it and choose the Configuration using License File radio button under the Service/License File tab. In this box you will want to put the name of your license server proceeded by an @ symbol. If you know the port number, which is 27000 by default, then you can also add 27000@SERVERNAME. This is especially helpful if your license manager runs more than just Autodesk products.
Then all you need to do is select the Server Status tab and click the Perform Status Enquiry button and you should get the current status of your license server.
It’s really that simple! Now you can see who is hogging all of your network licenses.
Keep an eye out for more quick tips from me.