Watch as we go through the process of opening non-native CAD files inside AutodeskĀ® InventorĀ® using the functionality of AnyCAD to convert those files to Autodesk Inventor files. File types to include, .step, .sat, .iges, and more.
Topics to be covered:
- Utilizing the geometry in 3D Models and 2D Drawings.
- Files from other CAD systems can be imported for use in Inventor and exported to other CAD system formats.
- AnyCAD for Inventor allows you to reference a part or assembly file that is one year newer than the Inventor version you are on.
- The Reference model option maintains a link to the selected file which enables you to monitor and update Inventor as the model changes.
- If changes are made to the file in its respective product after import, the Inventor file reflects the changes and downstream references update as well.