Autodesk Vault offers many additional benefits outside of its already outstanding CAD data management capabilities, including:
- The ability to manage all filetypes for users in each department
- Multisite replication with Vault Professional allowing users across multiple company locations to be kept in sync
- Extremely low-cost Vault Office client for non-CAD users
- Free search-view-print client for read-only users (with Vault Professional)
- Fully customizable lifecycle definitions to support virtually any document or business process workflow for any company department
There is one highly requested and required feature for full enterprise data management and workflow that is not included in the Vault package. The ability to send e-mail notifications to individuals or groups when an item or document needs modification or review is something that most users would find extremely helpful. With Hagerman & Company’s Lifecycle Notification for Autodesk Vault, you can now incorporate automatic e-mail notifications with Vault lifecycle workflows.
Features of Hagerman’s Lifecycle Connection for Vault include:
Very easy setup and configuration
- Basic configuration to arrange e-mail notifications for all transitions into a given lifecycle state
- Advanced configuration to arrange e-mail notifications for a specific lifecycle state transition
- The ability to also send notifications to non-Vault users as well
- Email message templates, which can be configured within the Lifecycle Connection and then applied to one or more lifecycle transitions as desired
- Email messages can be sent automatically and without user interaction upon lifecycle transition or
- Conversely, Lifecycle Connection can be configured to prompt the user for additional users and/or comments before sending the e-mail
- Emails generated by Lifecycle Connection include links to the associated Vault document so they can be quickly and easily accessed by the user receiving the email
We urge all of our Vault customers to think about how the use of Vault could benefit their entire organization beyond engineering. With a single platform for managing all of the documents, data, and workflows for your company, you can achieve the following benefits:
- Assurance that all users, departments, and sites are working from the same data
- A much more secure and controlled environment (as opposed to Windows Explorer)
- Centralized backups
- Improved collaboration
- Reduced delivery and turnaround times
- Reduced mistakes, accidents, scrap and time wasted
- Assurance that all employees are following prescribed company workflows and procedures
- Automatic notification of employees and managers when work tasks are assigned (with Hagerman Lifecycle Connection)
If Hagerman Lifecycle Connection for Vault sounds like something that could benefit your organization, please contact your local Hagerman representative today to learn more about how Hagerman & Company can help meet your needs.